Collective strategy and impact

Why collaborate?

Most ambitious systems change goals lie beyond the capacity of any one organization to achieve. More and more experts and practitioners have come to embrace the power of networks and collaborative processes to achieve more substantive, systems- or population-level change. These processes have the ability to leverage diverse sources of knowledge and influence and to align multiple actors around a common set of goals.

It can sometimes be tricky to strike the right balance between process and content in a collaborative initiative with its many different players, interests and moving parts.  Co.spire offers hands-on guidance, facilitation and advisory services geared helping your collaborative:

  • map the issue landscape and surface the knowledge within the system;

  • facilitate common agenda-setting, establish realistic aims and actionable strategies;

  • set up responsive governance mechanisms;

  • attend to relationship-building, engagement and communication;

  • support the design of meaningful stakeholder and citizen engagement processes.

« If you want to go fast, go alone. 
If you want to go far, go together. »


Read what I've written about collaboration and network strategy


Collaboration between Canadian Grantmaking Foundations: The Expression of an Increasingly Ambitious and Strategic Philanthropic Sector?

This article critically discusses the practice of foundation collaboration in Canada and describes the context, vehicles, and forms that it takes. It is based on data from interviews with 23 key informants and a literature review of over 100 publications from grey and scholarly literature. Over the last decade, Canadian grantmaking foundations appear to be working together more often […]

Agissez dans votre écosystème pour créer plus de valeur sociale (in French only)

Philanthropic actors are coming to play an increasingly important role in their ecosystem, and coming to appreciate the value of a network approach to tackling complex social problems.

Some of my clients and collaborators

Network facilitation, liaison, project management

Network facilitation, liaison, project management

Collective impact coaching stream

Collective impact coaching stream